In our general dentist office, we help our patients to stay in good oral health by providing preventative care and educating patients on what they can do to stay healthy at home. What you eat and drink can directly impact how healthy your teeth and gums are. Your brushing and flossing habits also influence how healthy your mouth is, making it important to brush correctly.
Many people make the mistake of thinking that as long as they brush their teeth for at least two minutes, they will get a good clean. This is partially true since brushing your teeth is better than not brushing at all. However, how you brush your teeth is also important. Here is what you need to know.
Start with the right tools.
If you are brushing with a hard toothbrush, you may be damaging your teeth. A toothbrush with hard bristles can actually strip away enamel from your teeth. This can make them feel sensitive both now and in the future. A hard toothbrush, or brushing too aggressively, can also make your gums sensitive or cause them to bleed. Throw it away and buy a soft toothbrush instead. If you brush properly, you can get just as good of a clean without causing irritation.
If you are brushing with a hard toothbrush, you may be damaging your teeth. A toothbrush with hard bristles can actually strip away enamel from your teeth. This can make them feel sensitive both now and in the future. A hard toothbrush, or brushing too aggressively, can also make your gums sensitive or cause them to bleed. Throw it away and buy a soft toothbrush instead. If you brush properly, you can get just as good of a clean without causing irritation.
As a general dentist, we also suggest that you try an electronic or battery operated toothbrush. The bristles will move automatically, and you will get a more thorough clean as a result. Regardless of which type of toothbrush you use, make sure to replace it every three months. This way the bristles won’t fray, and you will consistently get a good clean. If your brush is electric, simply replace the brush head.
Your toothpaste is also important. Use toothpaste that is recommended by the American Dental Association. Just look for the ADA seal on the bottle. If you use toothpaste that contains fluoride, you can strengthen and protect your teeth. They also make toothpaste for sensitive teeth that you can try.
Motion matters.
When you brush your teeth make sure that you move the brush in a circular pattern instead of moving it from the front to back. This will help your teeth to stay cleaner while also preventing gum irritation. It’s important to remember that you want to keep bacteria and plaque off of your gums. When you brush, move everything away from your gums. You can do this by starting at the gum line so if you are brushing your top teeth, brush downwards. If you are brushing your bottom teeth, brush upwards. Make sure that you apply even and gentle pressure, instead of brushing too aggressively.
When you brush your teeth make sure that you move the brush in a circular pattern instead of moving it from the front to back. This will help your teeth to stay cleaner while also preventing gum irritation. It’s important to remember that you want to keep bacteria and plaque off of your gums. When you brush, move everything away from your gums. You can do this by starting at the gum line so if you are brushing your top teeth, brush downwards. If you are brushing your bottom teeth, brush upwards. Make sure that you apply even and gentle pressure, instead of brushing too aggressively.
In addition to brushing your teeth, make sure to floss on a daily basis so that food particles and bacteria can be removed from in between your teeth. You can also use an antiseptic mouthwash to kill any remaining germs. Make sure to visit our general dentist office at least twice a year so that we can clean your teeth and remove anything that you were unable to get by brushing and flossing at home.