Wednesday, September 23, 2015

How Long Do Dental Veneers Last?

Dental VeneersDental veneers are among the most popular and well know ways to repair teeth that have been damaged or are in need of enhancement. There are any number of solutions that a person can choose when it comes to the kind of results that dental veneers can achieve. This raises the question, “Why are dental veneers so popular?” The answer to that question is really multifaceted. The most important reason for the popularity of the dental veneers is that they last such a long time. The average length of a dental veneers treatment is typically 10 to 14 years. There have been numerous studies done that have shown that the veneers are going to last a minimum of 10 years if you take care of them. In fact, 92% of people who have had dental veneers did not need repairs or replacements in the first 13 years. This alone makes the veneers an excellent option of repair or enhancing your teeth.

We know that the way dental veneers are placed play a significant role in them lasting as long as they do. It is not unusual for a dental prosthetic device to last at least 10 years. However, in the case of dental veneers, the ease of the placement, the fact that they were once viewed as a purely niche product, and the cost are all additional factors that come into play which make the longevity such an important part of the decision to get them. One of the most significant reasons why dental veneers last as long as they do is because they are attached to your natural teeth, giving them the strength and stability of the original teeth. Whenever you are going to get a restoration, there is typically a loss of enamel. In the case of dental implants, which are some of the longest lasting of the dental prosthetics, we would actually need to remove the entire tooth with the root. In the case of dental crowns, we would shave off most of the enamel so that only a nub was left. Compared to these are dental veneers which only require a tiny amount of enamel be removed to make room for the porcelain veneers. In essence, we repair the tooth, augment it, and strengthen it but you are still left with your original tooth, which bodes well for longevity.

It is important to understand that when discussing how long dental veneers last, there is an element of personal responsibility. Dental veneers can last for a very long time if they are taken care of. The great thing about taking care of dental veneers is that they only require you to do the things that you would do to maintain your natural teeth. This includes brushing twice each day, using mouthwash, flossing, and visiting the dentist at least twice a year. Plus avoiding doing things that could damage or crack the veneers is a good idea. In other words, if you treat your porcelain veneers like teeth, you are sure to have them for many years without needing to get repairs or restorations done.


Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Denture Care Tips For Your New Dentures

Caring For Your New Dentures

While dentures are relatively easy to take care of, how long they last will largely depend on how well they are cared for. If you have a brand new set of dentures, the following denture care tips should help prolong their life.

It is unlikely that anyone who has paid for a new set of dentures and gone through the sometimes challenging 'breaking in' period is going to want to repeat the process any sooner than absolutely necessary. Although dentures do not last forever, taking proper care of them will ensure that they both fit better and last longer. As you will see, when it comes to taking care of your dentures, most denture care tips are little more than a few basic ground rules and a sensible routine which, together, will pay large dividends.

Tips on Taking Good Care of Your Dentures
  • Drink Plenty of Fluids: You need to be especially vigilant about drinking plenty of fluids, which increases the production of saliva. A moist mouth maintains a seal that keeps your dentures from slipping, and without adequate saliva, your dentures can irritate your gums.
  • Avoid Liquids That Stain: Some of the worst offenders that stain both natural teeth and dentures are coffee, tea, soy sauce, red wine, etc. The general rule is that if the liquid can stain your T-shirt, it will also stain your dentures. If consumed in moderation, these liquids may not do any serious damage, especially if you rinse your dentures out soon after consumption. However, if the stains get really bad, they may have to be professionally cleaned.
  • Watch What You Eat: While most denture wearers can eat almost anything they like, you should be aware that certain hard foods like popcorn could damage your dentures, especially if a kernel is inadvertently chewed. In addition, your gums could develop sore spots should pieces of hard food get under the dentures.
  • Clean Them Regularly: Dentures have to be cleaned on a regular basis, which means at least twice a day. This both removes plaque and debris and can also help prevent the development of permanent stains on the surface. However, although they are very tough, dentures are not quite as durable as natural tooth enamel. They can be damaged by commercial toothpaste and by hard-bristled brushes. Use a brush with soft bristles that are specifically designed to clean dentures. Also, use either a special toothpaste that is made for dentures or gentle hand soap. Be very careful not to damage the plastic or any of the attachments. Never use bleach on your dentures as this can fade the pink portions.
  • Remove At Night: Removing your dentures every night allows your gums to rest and avoids damaging the dentures should you grind your teeth in your sleep.
  • Keep Dentures Moist: If dentures dry out, they can lose their shape, which is why it is imperative that they are kept moist at all times. When you take them out at night, soak the dentures in cool water since hot water can warp them. If they do not have metal attachments, you can use a special soaking solution. This, however, is not a substitute for regular brushing.
  • Handle Carefully: It is entirely possible that your dentures will crack or break should they fall onto a hard surface. Therefore, it is advisable that you place a folded towel or some other kind of liner in the sink before you begin to brush them. The liner will break their fall should you happen to drop them.
  • See Your Dentist Regularly: Over a period of time, dentures that used to fit perfectly may become loose, which is usually caused by normal wear and tear and/or natural changes in the shape of the gums and jawbone resulting from age. Depending on the problem, your dentures can be relined with a cushioning material that will enable them to fit more snugly and comfortably while extending their life.