Dental veneers are among the most popular and well know ways to repair teeth that have been damaged or are in need of enhancement. There are any number of solutions that a person can choose when it comes to the kind of results that dental veneers can achieve. This raises the question, “Why are dental veneers so popular?” The answer to that question is really multifaceted. The most important reason for the popularity of the dental veneers is that they last such a long time. The average length of a dental veneers treatment is typically 10 to 14 years. There have been numerous studies done that have shown that the veneers are going to last a minimum of 10 years if you take care of them. In fact, 92% of people who have had dental veneers did not need repairs or replacements in the first 13 years. This alone makes the veneers an excellent option of repair or enhancing your teeth.
We know that the way dental veneers are placed play a significant role in them lasting as long as they do. It is not unusual for a dental prosthetic device to last at least 10 years. However, in the case of dental veneers, the ease of the placement, the fact that they were once viewed as a purely niche product, and the cost are all additional factors that come into play which make the longevity such an important part of the decision to get them. One of the most significant reasons why dental veneers last as long as they do is because they are attached to your natural teeth, giving them the strength and stability of the original teeth. Whenever you are going to get a restoration, there is typically a loss of enamel. In the case of dental implants, which are some of the longest lasting of the dental prosthetics, we would actually need to remove the entire tooth with the root. In the case of dental crowns, we would shave off most of the enamel so that only a nub was left. Compared to these are dental veneers which only require a tiny amount of enamel be removed to make room for the porcelain veneers. In essence, we repair the tooth, augment it, and strengthen it but you are still left with your original tooth, which bodes well for longevity.
It is important to understand that when discussing how long dental veneers last, there is an element of personal responsibility. Dental veneers can last for a very long time if they are taken care of. The great thing about taking care of dental veneers is that they only require you to do the things that you would do to maintain your natural teeth. This includes brushing twice each day, using mouthwash, flossing, and visiting the dentist at least twice a year. Plus avoiding doing things that could damage or crack the veneers is a good idea. In other words, if you treat your porcelain veneers like teeth, you are sure to have them for many years without needing to get repairs or restorations done.