Thursday, February 19, 2015

Prevent Health Problems by Visiting a Family Dentist

A family dentist practices is a place where your entire family can go to get treated for any dental challenges, get their annual wellness check, and have their teeth cleaned. It is a safe and nurturing environment that teaches your kids that the dentist is actually on their side and they have nothing to fear from us. It is a place where elderly members of your family can come when they have challenges with their teeth, need replacements, or just have to make sure that their dentures fit the right way. We are, quite literally, a generational practice that has built a reputation for treating families year in and year out. For us, the best reward we can get is the smile of patients that we have taken care of and will continue to do so for years to come.

We have a particular advantage when it comes to families. We deal with multiple generations, and often times the challenges that younger people face will be found in the older generations as well. This allows us to identify problem areas ahead of time, meaning we will be cognizant of the fact that these could occur, and catch them earlier in younger patients. This puts us at the forefront of early diagnosis with regard to dental issues. It helps us to diagnose, treat, and follow up very efficiently.

There are several more common reasons why people find their way into our family dentist office, including –

  • Tooth Aches and Dental Emergencies: There is nothing quite as uncomfortable as a toothache. Unfortunately, a toothache can be caused by a number of reasons ranging from an infection to an accident that chips a tooth. As your family dentist, we are also accustomed to children, and adults, coming in with dental emergencies like knocking out a tooth during a soccer game. If you have an emergency, give us a call so that we can give you some tips on managing the discomfort while you make your way in to see us. 
  •  Cavities: Cavities are actually among the most common reasons why people have to take a sick day. Only people with the common cold take more time off to go and see a doctor. A cavity occurs when the acid that is in the food makes a small hole in the enamel of your tooth. Typically there is a build-up of plaque on the tooth before a cavity can be formed. Plaque is the sticky substance that is found in all food and leaves a residue on your teeth. The good news is cavities and plaque can be easily controlled by brushing twice a day, flossing regularly, and visiting our family dentist office for a professional cleaning twice a year. 
  • Tooth sensitivity: Millions of people, each year, are affected by sensitive teeth. Typically the sensitivity occurs in the presence of a stimulant like heat or cold, and may be caused by an infection, loss of enamel on the tooth or a lack of Fluoride in your daily routine. We can help to protect sensitive teeth in our office using a variety of treatment solutions.

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