Thursday, April 2, 2015

Dental Implants: More of Your Questions Answered

Dental ImplantsThe concept of dental implants has been around for a very long time. Just because they have a long history does not make dental implants any less modern. As a matter of fact with the improvements, they have made over the years, and with the additional benefit of modern science, dental implants are becoming the way of the future concerning dental prosthetic devices.

Some of our patients, especially those that have a prosthetic device that they are already using, are concerned about making the switch and wonder what the benefits are. The advantages are numerous and start with the fact that dental implants are based on the fusion of organic tissue with a device that is actually inserted into your jawbone. When an implant is inserted into your jaw, by a skilled oral surgeon or dentist, it becomes an integral part of the body and is more secure and stable than any other device. Additionally other devices have made advances but are still depending on older ideas like using adhesives or dental cement. Finally when you get dental implants, you get the strongest, most durable and best looking prosthetic device available.

The permanence of dental implants makes people want to have all of their questions answered before they proceed with getting them installed. We truly enjoy taking the time to sit down and go over all of your questions. There are a few more common questions that we feel could be answered outside of a sit-down session.

How long does a dental implant last? 
The answer to this question is a little bit more complex than a simple number. Numerically implants can last anywhere from seven to thirty years or longer. The reason this span is so vast is because it is influenced directly by other factors. The ability of your jawbone to sustain the implant, gum diseases, and infections, and accidents can all shorten the life span. Good oral hygiene and diet can help increase the life of the implants. Treating implants like regular teeth is the best way to improve their life cycle.
How often do implants fail? 
The reality is that all solutions have a failure threshold based on different factors. With implants, they are typically successful between 93% and 98% of the time, meaning that there is a very small, minuscule, in fact, chance your implants will not take or fail during the installation.
Will it take long to recover?
To ensure such a high level of success, we do our dental implants installation in phases. Between each of the phases, you will have the opportunity to rest and recover for between ten and fourteen days. After you return from the recovery, we will inspect the work we have done, make any minor changes that may be required and then proceed to the next step. This careful and deliberate schedule not only ensures a higher success rate but also shortens your final recovery time to less than two weeks after all of the procedures have been completed.  While we know that this is a longer process than other replacement solutions, it is also the most durable and natural looking result.
