Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Here's How Dental Veneers Can Restore Your Teeth

Dental veneers play an important role in the healthy performance of the teeth they are used to repair. In fact, there are two fundamental functions that they perform which make them such a versatile tool for us to use. From a dentist's perspective, dental veneers can strengthen teeth while also making them esthetically more pleasing. Most people do not realize that when you damage a tooth or cause it some kind of trauma it is very easy for that damage to spread. A chipped, broken, or cracked tooth can very easily get an infection. Even if no infection exists, the damage can spread which could cause a great deal of discomfort. A dental veneer can take the place of the damaged enamel and prevent further damage from occurring while also ensuring that an infection does not set in. This is critical for the overall health of the mouth.

A dental veneers second function is more esthetic, and also very important. Damaged teeth, stained teeth, and misaligned teeth can cause a person to lose their self-esteem by creating an unattractive smile. Dental veneers are able to replace the damaged or stained enamel with a thin porcelain strip, giving patients back a perfect white tooth that looks, feels, and acts exactly like the original tooth it has replaced. In order to accomplish this, the veneer takes on many of the same qualities as the naturally occurring enamel it is replacing. Like enamel, the porcelain veneer is extremely hard which helps the tooth be more durable for regular dietary practices. Unfortunately, this similarity in qualities also means that the porcelain is brittle and that you will need to take care of it the same way as you would your regular teeth. Avoiding situations and activities that may damage your natural teeth will also avoid damaging or breaking the dental veneer.

Maintaining your porcelain veneers is far easier than one might imagine. This is because they require no special treatment, no additional maintenance, and no unique cleaning methods. In fact, all you need to do is maintain a good oral health and hygiene routine and your dental veneers will be cleaned along with your natural teeth. We recommend brushing twice per day, visiting us for a regular bi-annual cleaning, and cultivating good habits like flossing and rinsing. All of these will help to prolong the life cycle of your veneers and all your other teeth as well.

Dental veneers can last you anywhere from seven to thirty years depending on how well you take care of your mouth, and by extension your veneers themselves. There is no concrete number or guarantee as to how long they will last since each individual is different and faces different challenges. Gum diseases, accidents, or changes in your routine can all influence how well your teeth and dental veneers will hold up. Since there is no real magic formula, we strongly advice good habits and keeping your teeth clean, and safe, which may mean wearing a night guard if you find yourself grinding your teeth at night.
